SUSE Security Update: Security update for mariadb, mariadb-connector-c, xtrabackup Announcement ID: SUSE-SU-2018:1771-1 Rating: important References: Affected Products:. SUSE OpenStack Cloud Crowbar 8. SUSE OpenStack Cloud 8. HPE Helion Openstack 8 An update that fixes 16 vulnerabilities is now available. Description: This MariaDB update to version 10.2.15 brings the following fixes and improvements.
Security issues: - CVE-2018-2767: The embedded server library now supports SSL when connecting to remote servers (bsc#1088681). Collected CVEs fixes:. 10.2.15: CVE-2018-2786, CVE-2018-2759, CVE-2018-2777, CVE-2018-2810, CVE-2018-2782, CVE-2018-2784, CVE-2018-2787, CVE-2018-2766, CVE-2018-2755, CVE-2018-2819, CVE-2018-2817, CVE-2018-2761, CVE-2018-2781, CVE-2018-2771, CVE-2018-2813 Bugfixes: - bsc#1092544: Update suseskippedtests.list and add tests that are failing with GCC 8. bsc#1080891: Compile option DWITHSYSTEMD=ON is no longer needed - systemd is detected automatically. Patch Instructions: To install this SUSE Security Update use the SUSE recommended installation methods like YaST onlineupdate or 'zypper patch'.
First of all, Percona XtraBackup is a free and open source backup tool for MySQL. Percona distributes XtraBackup via package repositories for. Because there are no packages for Mac OS, in this post I will describe how to build XtraBackup for Mac OS.
Dependencies So, to build and use XtraBackup on Mac OS you need to install some additional packages. For instance, I will use to install the dependencies. # port install cmake p5.16-dbd-mysql Building XtraBackup For Mac OS Download the source code from # wget Untar the archive: # tar zxf percona-xtrabackup-2.2.10.tar.gz Build the binaries. # cd percona-xtrabackup-2.2.10 # cmake -DBUILDCONFIG=xtrabackuprelease && make XtraBackup comes with a perl script innobackupex that can be found in storage/innobase/xtrabackup/. The script is a wrapper around few binaries that XtraBackup needs to work. They are built in storage/innobase/xtrabackup/src: xbcrypt, xbstream and xtrabackup.
Building Xtrabackup For Mac
Installing XtraBackup For Mac OS To install XtraBackup use a Makefile: # make -C storage/innobase/xtrabackup/ install It will install XtraBackup in /usr/local/xtrabackup/. Consequently, the binaries will land in /usr/local/xtrabackup/bin/ therefore make sure it’s in the $PATH. XtraBackup Package For your convenience, we built and packaged XtraBackup for Mac OS.
Building Xtrabackup For Mac Pro

Building Xtrabackup For Mac Os
The package installs the binaries in /opt/local/bin which should be in your $PATH. I tested XtraBackup on OS X 10.10 Yosemite, for example.